How It Works

Iguana Books publishes ebooks and print-on-demand paperbacks and hardcovers, and we publish in all genres: literary and historical fiction, mystery, sci-fi, thriller, comedy, theatre, finance, romance, poetry, memoir, biography, non-fiction, and children’s literature. We distribute to online bookstores around the world, including Amazon, Chapters Indigo, and Barnes & Noble. We do not distribute to bricks-and-mortar bookstores (although some of our authors have done so through commission arrangements). Our authors hail from Canada and the United States to India and South Africa.  Iguana wants to give every writer the opportunity to publish not just a book, but the best book they can. Our goal is to publish quality books that look good and read well. We use a new, hybrid publishing model, one we think works for readers and writers.

Our Services

Our mission is to produce high-quality books, and we take it seriously. We provide all the services necessary from the basics (editing, design, formatting) to more specialized services, such as indexing, illustration, abstracting, and rewriting. We shepherd books through the production process from start to finish. We love working closely with authors to create books we are all proud of.

We suggest you contact Colborne Communications with any self-publishing questions.

Our Process

Iguana Books is a hybrid publisher because we won't publish a book until we can see how the upfront costs will be covered. We are also able to offer very competitive royalty rates on the back end. While Iguana authors have the option of funding the costs themselves, we recommend using a crowdfunding site for two reasons:

1) It allows authors to “test drive” their book in the market. It is valuable to have a sense of how well a book will sell before publication.

2) It allows authors to generate advance sales and reviews. This guarantees a number of books in circulation and is key to generating that elusive buzz.

We provide you with a detailed budget breakdown prior to crowdfunding. We will not publish a book that isn’t up to our standards, and we work with our authors to meet those standards and produce the best book possible. We are committed to making the publishing process collaborative, open, and easy for our authors. Our publishing contract is in plain language and outlines publisher and author commitments clearly.