Beth Kaplan

Beth Kaplan

Beth Kaplan worked as a professional actress for a decade before leaving the stage to earn an MFA in Creative Writing. She has taught memoir and personal essay writing since 1994 and in 2012 won the coveted Excellence in Teaching award at the University of Toronto.

Beth is the author of scores of essays in newspapers, magazines, and on CBC Radio, and of three books: Finding the Jewish Shakespeare, a biography of her great-grandfather; All My Loving, a memoir of the sixties; and True to Life, a succinct guide to personal narrative, which is the textbook for her courses.



Loose Woman

Loose Woman

The memoir Loose Woman: my odyssey from lost to found tells how a quasi-alcoholic actor came to spend four astonishing months living and working among men with severe disabilities at a L’Arche community in Provence, and how the experience opened her heart and transformed her life.

True to Life

In fifty informative and inspiring steps, Beth Kaplan shows you how to write your story in essay or book form by putting on your writer's hat, then your editor's hat, then digging down to bring out the passionate details of the story, and finally living the writing life. Steps include: