Retired engineer Keith Weaver, who has always been an avid reader, can now indulge his passion for writing. In his work, he manages to integrate his technical background, his interests in the history of civilization, ideas, and technology, and his fascination with philosophy. Among the many activities he enjoys are cooking, cycling in Europe, making bread, and wine tasting at vineyards. An Uncompromising Place is his first novel.
An Uncompromising Place
Richard Gould was looking forward to his retirement, to spending at least part of his time in the heritage home he had renovated in a quiet village in Ontario, and particularly to his major project—bringing a ruin back to its former glory as a flour mill.
The Recipe Cops
It’s been a rocky couple of weeks for Jim Sanford. He’s had to deal with two life-changing deaths – first his mother, and then the man who combined father figure and best friend since his boyhood.
Balsam Sirens
For Mark Whelan, Private Investigator, it all begins in a sombre but entirely unremarkable way: a visit to the morgue to provide moral support to a client as he formally identifies his brother.
Un endroit sans compromis
Richard Gould anticipait avec plaisir sa retraite, à passer au moins une partie de son temps dans la maison ancestrale qu’il avait rénovée dans un village tranquille de l’Ontario, et plus particulièrement à son projet principal, celui de restaurer de vieilles ruines au bord d’une rivière, à la s
Mr. Drumlin's Orchard
A young boy and his friends accept their carefree village life as a given. In addition to their world of bicycles, swimming, fishing, exploring, and general horsing around, the boy becomes interested in his family’s vegetable garden.
Walking with Albert
Written over a period of three years and across a range of styles and formats, Walking with Albert is Keith Weaver’s first short story compilation. These stories range from micro-narratives of a few pages in length to what could be called miniature novellas.
Sicilian Refuge
Ryan Chandler, a successful but apathetic student, drops out of university and is soon leading a rudderless existence. Living at home, working a dead-end part-time job, but deeply dissatisfied, he accepts a rare opportunity to pursue his own research project.
Toronto restauranteur and bookshop owner Henry Royce devotes most of his time and energy to running his quirky store and perfecting its collection of rare and used books.
Fool's Cap and Other Stories
What might happen when one tries to move a railway station? Do you know where Jericho is? Can someone become rich based on knowledge of an obsolete size of paper? Ever had nightmares about a pitcher plant?
And Then There Was Maggie
"This book is a statement of profound gratitude for the woman who shared her life with me, my wife, Maggie. Maggie died on January 12, 2022, at the far-too-young age of seventy-one. Maggie and I had been married for almost forty-nine years, and I had known her for fifty-two years.
When a careless and headstrong teenager manages to drop a suitcase into a small central-Ontario lake, her obsessive need to recover it is the initial element that unleashes a chain of stressful and ominous events. But worse, much worse, is to come.
Big White
It all began when a tree demolished a doghouse during a windstorm, revealing something momentous. Initially, Steven and John thought it was a relic from a distant past, to be examined carefully, then filed away and forgotten.
Le verger de M. Drumlin
Dans leur village à la campagne, un jeune garçon et ses amis acceptent leur vie sans souci comme une donnée de l'existence.