The Oak Island Affair

The Oak Island Affair
January 2014

Vanessa, a freelance writer who grew up in Spain, is † fleeing the pain of an unravelling relationship when she goes to her grandmother's house on Canada's east coast, near Oak Island. Her discovery of a 400-year-old diary written by a failed Spanish Dominican monk rekindles her obsession with an international, multi-million dollar treasure hunt that has drawn investors, including Franklin D. Roosevelt, from Canada, the United States, and Europe for more than two hundred years. Vanessa's arrival at a new solution to the mystery, by learning how to see beyond the barriers of reason, plunges her into an underworld from which there is no turning back. The rules that run the surface world do not apply.


Jane Bow

Jane Bow

Jane Bow grew up in Canada, the United States, Spain, England and Czechoslovakia. Her novels, ranging from true crime to mystery to love, explore the effect history’s dramas have on our identity, whether we know about them or not.