We ALL need that friend. Enter Captain Grief, Kelly's superhero alter ego, flying, crying, and eating cake. After Kelly's spouse dies November 11, 2012, the Captain explodes onto the scene with her similar but fictional story of loss to self, alongside of Kelly's. Captain Grief is a foulmouthed miracle and blog-writing partner when Kelly needs a space away from her nineteen-month-old son, the Ginger Menace, to be enraged, distraught, ridiculous, indulgent, indignant, or just downright in the shit.
People tend to grieve politely, but after the accidental death of her thirty-five-year-old wife, the last thing Kelly wants to do is be quiet. Kelly comes to learn that when life kicks you in the ass, it pays to have a big, protective, insensitive jerk come to your rescue ... wearing a cape.