Liam couldn't be happier. He's off to kindergarten, where he's going to make a million new friends and learn a billion new things! Mom is worried about Liam going to school, but Liam knows he'll be fine. He has his oxygen mask and his medication for lunch and snack time. Plus, he knows he's strong as a tree.
You see, Liam has a great big tree in his backyard. Mom says trees need lots of oxygen from the air, just like his lungs. And they need food from the ground, just like his tummy. Sometimes, their tree gets sick, sicker than the other trees. That's when Mom and Liam give it special food and extra love, and it grows big and strong again.
School is everything Liam hoped it would be. And when Liam needs his oxygen mask or medication, his friends know that Liam just needs a little extra help to be strong like the others. Until one winter's day, when Liam catches a cold.
Inspired by a real boy and his first year of school while battling cystic fibrosis, read how Liam's young friends, with compassion and support, remind Liam of his own strength during the isolating time of illness.
Also available in hardcover.
"As a medical laboratory technologist student at Hospital for Sick Children many years ago, I used to perform CF diagnostic testing & witnessed up close & personal what the brave CF families experienced during the critical moments. I have nothing but love & respect for these brave and beautiful souls. I believe that challenging times create kind and compassionate humans, with a large capacity to love and understand others struggling in dark places too. I hope you enjoy this wonderful story as you learn more about this challenging disease, and you and your little ones develop even more compassion yourselves.”
— Elvira V. Hopper, founder of The Love Your Vibe Transformation