His head had fallen back so he was staring directly at me, his eyes wide and lifeless. His icy blue irises were locked onto mine. My knees grew weaker and weaker as I watched him bleed out from the gaping hole in his torso.
I whipped my head up and steeled my gaze as another silhouette that had been hidden behind Andrew exited the shadows...
My partner was dead, and I was standing face-to-face with his killer.
It’s a decade since the world died. Humanity has retreated inside walled territories to protect those who are left. Every day is like the one before it: simple, mundane, dreadful.
Erin Bishop lives in the territory Eden, where she enforces the rule of Mr. Bellemark, its leader and keeper – a self-proclaimed saviour of the world. All is well inside her concrete cage until the day she learns of a terrorist threatening the lives inside the walls and her partner falls victim to a vicious attack.
All at once, Erin is swept up into a centuries-old battle between dark and light. She must fight to finally expose the secrets plaguing her life inside Eden and face the hideous truths of her existence.