Children of a Faraway War (Wendy Gruner book launch)
This short video offers a glimpse of Guelph, Ontario author Wendy Gruner speaking during the launch party for her well-received memoir, Children of a Faraway War. Shortlisted for a prestigious Rubery Book Award (2020), this moving and often hilarious book tells the story of Wendy and Robbie, two Australian-born sisters, and their life-changing quest to learn the truth about their father, who died in England in World War II while serving in Bomber Command. Because of their mother’s reticence and their reluctance to probe her grief, they grow up knowing very little about the man who could have been a father to them. Separated by half a world, Robbie in Australia, Wendy in Canada, they plan a trip to England as a kind of homage to this missing dad. This journey of discovery, undertaken late in their lives and guided by the one artefact they have, his wartime diary, leads them the length and breadth of the UK. Their travels, ranging from the hilarious to the serendipitous to the deeply moving, allow them to recreate their father’s story and the horror that was Bomber Command. Undertaken almost casually at first, their quest grows into a search for identity and an affirmation of the profound power of family, love, and memory. This video catches up with the author as she speaks to family and friends during her launch in Guelph, shortly after the book's November, 2019 release. This footage was recently unearthed from our archives as part of our attempt to expand our offerings on this blog.