Vanessa Ricci-Thode

Vanessa Ricci-Thode

Vanessa has always been a storyteller, crafting picture books as a child before learning to read and write. She was always immersed in books, or outside playing make-believe, and never lost that childlike wonder, carrying it into her writing in her teens when she began her first novel. Vanessa wrote her trilogy by hand on a legal pad, often writing on her bedroom floor until the wee hours of the morning. She completed her first novel, part of the Blueshift trilogy, when she was eighteen and never looked back.

She has become a diehard participant of NaNoWriMo, where the majority of her novels were written – either in their entirety, or started, or finished. Vanessa loves fiction, especially speculative fiction, and her short stories are horror while her novels are fantasy.

Her life seldom strays far from the world of books, particularly in the winter, when her favourite activity is hibernation. When she’s not being bookish, she’s into astronomy, hiking, kickboxing, gardening, travel to stunning national parks across the continent, and being a massive geek. She lives in Waterloo with her husband, daughter, and three crazy dogs.



After the Dragon Raid

After the Dragon Raid

In the midst of a dangerous raid, Tassia, an elite soldier from the Wheat Sky empire, rescues Sam, a wandering nomad, from inside the compound of a lunatic enchantress. While Sam serves his debt to Wheat Sky, he and Tassia grow closer as they tend her garden together.