Poppa's Goat

Poppa's Goat
July 2017

Three-year-old Madeline loves playing with her Gramma and Poppa, and with their very large dog Stanley. But it looks like Poppa has a problem. Every Thursday, the paperboy comes and his flyers blow all over the front lawn. Then Poppa has to pick them up. 

“That paperboy really gets Poppa’s goat,” says Gramma. Madeline doesn’t know what that means, but she wants to help. 

First they build a box for the flyers, but robins turn it into a nest. Then a question from Madeline gives Poppa an idea. Soon Madeline, Stanley, and Poppa are off on a trip to the country, in the hope of keeping Poppa from “losing his goat” again. 

Gary Hutchinson is convinced of the importance of reading to pre-school children and committed to writing stories that children love to hear and that adults love to read.


Gary Hutchinson

Gary Hutchinson

Gary Hutchinson, a baby boomer, grew up on his parents’ farm in rural south-western Ontario with his five brothers.  When his daughter was born, he read her countless books and told her stories every night at bedtime until her sixteenth birthday.  After seeing the positive impact this had on his